A 50% deposit is required to reserve studio time.
A session begins billing at the time the client booked it for, whether the client is present or not, and continues until the final
load out.
Consecutive studio day rate rentals (not hourly) are mandatory if gear or mixes are to be left set up overnight.
You MUST bring your own hard drives. We recommend bringing 2 backup drives to be completely safe.
All mixes, CD-Rs, hard drives, master tapes, etc. shall remain the property of Ancient Wave Studios until all invoices are
paid in full.
Ancient Wave Studios Recording Studio accepts payment by check, cash, or PayPal.
You will be billed separately by your engineer.
Ancient Wave Studios is not responsible for storing your data or audio tapes during or after the course of a recording
Ancient Wave Studios . P.O. Box 2502 . Nevada City, CA 95959 . 530-265-1933 .
Studio Rates and Guidelines
Studio Hours: 10 am to 10 pm
—The studio is open during these hours. Before and after, we have a
neighborhood agreement of no noise.
— Please let us know your start time so we can have the front gates open and
everything ready for you.
— Most sessions last approximately 9 hours (8 hours recording and a 1 hour
— You are welcome to hang out in the courtyard after your session is over, but
please be aware our neighborhood policy is to have no noise after 10 pm, so
please be rolling out by 10 pm.
We are a day rate studio. Studio day rate is based on an 8 hour day. (9 hours
with a 1 hour break)
Most engineers lose their ear vitality after 8 hours; this time limitation is for their
If you go over the 8 hours, that is between you and your engineer.
Overtime hours for the studio are $50/hour.
Day Rate Studio A:
(8 hours) Mixing & Mastering: $450 unless otherwise quoted
Tracking - $750 (2nd engineer included)
Extra hours over 8 hours: $50/hour
Day Rate Studio B:
Video Shoots: $1000
Non Video Shoots (eg live streaming or sound recording) $500
Ancient Wave Studios . P.O. Box 2502 . Nevada City, CA 95959 . 530-265-1933 .
*from time to time, depending on the project, we may allow a half day or by the
hour; please contact us ahead of time to discuss.
Included in the studio rental fee are the tracking and broadcast rooms, Isolation
booth, kitchen, and courtyard space.
Studio A: Control room includes console, computer, outboard gear, and
microphones. All instrument and amp rentals are separate.
Studio B: Control room includes analog console, microphones, and lighting.
Please see our equipment list for options and prices.
Producers and engineers are NOT included in studio fees. We are not engineers
but do focus ourselves on creating an awesome facility. The engineers are
independent contractors and are paid directly by the client.
For broadcast room (Studio B): sound engineers and camera people are not
included and are paid separately by the client.
Extras/Other costs:
Piano: We tune the Steinway piano regularly (every 4-6 weeks), but if you would
like it tuned especially for your session, you are welcome to cover that cost of
So that we may schedule it in advance, please let us know when booking your
session if you will be using the piano and/or if you would like a special tuning.
Ancient Wave Studios . P.O. Box 2502 . Nevada City, CA 95959 . 530-265-1933 .
Drums: The DW studio drum kit may be rented for a fee of an additional
$50/day. It is a quality kit and on loan to us, hence the fee. In addition, we ask
for a $150 deposit which will be returned to you after your session.
Other instrument rentals:
We have an extensive list of modern and vintage guitars, basses, percussion,
keyboards, pedals, amps, and other fun stuff available for an extra fee. Let us
know if you would like us to send a rate sheet.
Dependent on availability, and due to the high cost of calibrating and
maintaining our machines, these have to be considered an extra.
Studer 807A I/4” 2 track Mastering Deck,
Studer A-80 1/4” 2 track Mastering Deck.
Tascam Teac 8516 1” 16 track Recording Deck (Amy Winehouse)
MCI JH24 2” 24 track Recording Deck (Mussel Shoals)
Per day $125 (Tape rental included)
Buy your own tape (Price depends on size and availability — talk to us about
this option)
Backup Hard drive:
Please bring a backup hard drive to copy your sessions onto. This provides
security in case of crashes. Please note, we regularly wipe our hard drives every
2 weeks.
Ancient Wave Studios . P.O. Box 2502 . Nevada City, CA 95959 . 530-265-1933 .
In general, we discourage non-working studio guests unless they are dropping
things off, bringing food by, etc. We are a working studio area with multiple
working areas. We’ve found that guests hanging out all day tend to create more
of a party atmosphere and less of a working vibe, and it’s really best for the
clients to focus on the creation of music, as well as the other studio residents. In
addition, we like to be considerate of our neighbors and keep the number of
vehicles driving by to a minimum. Thanks for understanding.
We wish you a fabulous session — helping to bring your unique expression into
the world is what we created this space for! More music, more love!
Saul and Elena Rayo
Ancient Wave Studios
Ancient Wave Studios . P.O. Box 2502 . Nevada City, CA 95959 . 530-265-1933 .
Welcome to Ancient Wave Studios!
Here are some important House Rules to ensure that your session will go
smoothly and that we are all on the same page.
We have been working very hard over the last decade to create an environment
that is sustainable and thriving for the health and well-being of all. By coming
here you are not only having a creative musical and recording experience, you
are also opening up to an entire lifestyle that is slower-paced, respectful,
communal, and filled with beauty. We ask that while you are here, you become
a part of our community and help us to keep it going so we can continue the
Be aware that the studio is next to and part of our personal space, therefore we
ask that you treat everything and everyone with the highest respect, as you will
get the same in return.
Very simple. Everybody wins! So PLEASE CHECK YOUR EGO AT THE GATE.
Ancient Wave Studios . P.O. Box 2502 . Nevada City, CA 95959 . 530-265-1933 .
1. Please drive SLOWLY coming down the driveway. 5 MPH. This will feel like
crawling for most of you, but it only takes an additional 20 seconds. This helps
to keep the dust down, keeps our neighbors happy and brings you into a slower
pace as you enter the grounds. Dust is very destructive to our recording gear,
which we lovingly maintain to give our clients the highest quality of sound for
your projects. Just take some deep breaths and enjoy slowing down, for your
own benefit as well as ours. Everybody wins!
2. Parking: please don’t block anyone in. If there is not enough parking in the lot,
it is fine to park on the street once you’ve unloaded. For larger projects, we
encourage parking and carpooling. This is available at the big county parking lot
at the bottom of Cement Hill Rd.
3. When arriving or leaving at night, please use low headlights so as not to shine
into the neighbor’s windows.
Before you arrive, the kitchen and studios are professionally cleaned.
Ancient Wave Studios . P.O. Box 2502 . Nevada City, CA 95959 . 530-265-1933 .
In general we ask that you keep the spaces clean and tidy. It’s best for
everyone. The kitchen space is communal, this means that others not part of
your session may use it. (However, not while you are actively recording!)
1.We provide a professional cookstove, oven, fridge and a freezer. For health
reasons, we don’t have a microwave (sorry).
2. There is a coffee and tea station with a high quality coffee maker, electric
kettle and milk frother. Organic coffee beans are provided.
3. We provide cookware, eating dishes and utensils.
4. Please keep the kitchen tidy and wash dishes daily before you leave. Dish
towels are provided. When they get dirty, you can leave them by the
washer/dryer in the bathroom off of the kitchen.
We ask that everyone become aware and take care of their own waste. We are
only allowed 2 small cans here on the property which have to be for all the
residents here. Think of it like going to the river or camping, and please be
aware of what you bring in that is going to become trash.
2. Trash: There is a bin for trash. When the trash is full, please haul away off
the property. Extra trash bags are under the kitchen sink.
3. Recycling. Next to the trash bin. Please be sure to also haul away your own
Ancient Wave Studios . P.O. Box 2502 . Nevada City, CA 95959 . 530-265-1933 .
4. Compost: We also have a bin for compost. The compost can be emptied
behind the chicken house next to the solar panels.
1. No food in studios! Please eat only in the kitchen or on the outdoor patio.
RECORDING STUDIOS. Small tables are provided to hold drinks . PLEASE
4 Though we have extensive solar panels, electricity is still expensive because
we are grid tied to PG&E, and they afford us no breaks. So, please keep doors
closed while AC or heaters are running and please turn off the lights when not in
Ancient Wave Studios . P.O. Box 2502 . Nevada City, CA 95959 . 530-265-1933 .
Let’s get real. Most people take eliminating bodily waste for granted: you flush
the toilet and the contents magically go away to some unknown place. Please
be aware that we have an Eco system that needs to be respected.
1. There is an electric incinerating toilet in the bathroom off of the kitchen. This
is to be used only for number two — liquids don’t do well for this technology. It
saves our precious water by incinerating solid waste.
2. Peeing is best done outside behind studio B (for guys)
3. For the ladies, there is a flush toilet next to the pool area. This toilet is
connected to our precious well, please be respectful with its use. Be aware that
this space may at times be occupied by another rental party staying in the pool
house, so please be sensitive with going in and out of that area and keep the
bathroom tidy.
There are several different options depending on which studio you are renting.
The internet is fiber optic and quite fast, 50 mps up and down.
The password is the same for all of the networks: Rayotopia (with a capital R)
Studio A: use: Foolish Records 5.0
Studio B: use: Ancient Wave Studios 5.0
Ancient Wave Studios . P.O. Box 2502 . Nevada City, CA 95959 . 530-265-1933 .
Included in the studio rental fee are the kitchen, rooms, isolation booth. The
control room includes console, computer, outboard gear, and microphones.
Instrument and amp rentals are separate.
Please see our equipment list for options and prices.
Rental fee: $450/day.
We make the rounds each night with our two guard dogs in training.
We close the gates and walk the perimeter of the property with our dogs.
After all clients leave, our beautiful dogs are free to roam and patrol on their
We lock all buildings every night regardless of this ritual, and we are confident in
the security of our studios.
Since this seems to be a hot topic and a point of polarization, we feel it is
imperative to address it so that we’re all on the same page.
We strongly feel this is your private business. So please be respectful of
others’ privacy. To this, we humbly ask that, on your honor, you wait two weeks
Ancient Wave Studios . P.O. Box 2502 . Nevada City, CA 95959 . 530-265-1933 .
before coming into the studio after receiving the shot. You are welcome to wear
a mask or not, whatever is comfortable for you.
Ancient Wave Studios . P.O. Box 2502 . Nevada City, CA 95959 . 530-265-1933 .
A 50% deposit is required to reserve studio time.
A session begins billing at the time the client booked it for, whether the client is present or not, and continues until the final
load out.
Consecutive studio day rate rentals (not hourly) are mandatory if gear or mixes are to be left set up overnight.
You MUST bring your own hard drives. We recommend bringing 2 backup drives to be completely safe.
All mixes, CD-Rs, hard drives, master tapes, etc. shall remain the property of Ancient Wave Studios until all invoices are
paid in full.
Ancient Wave Studios Recording Studio accepts payment by check, cash, or PayPal.
You will be billed separately by your engineer.
Ancient Wave Studios is not responsible for storing your data or audio tapes during or after the course of a recording
Ancient Wave Studios . P.O. Box 2502 . Nevada City, CA 95959 . 530-265-1933 .
Studio Rates and Guidelines
Studio Hours: 10 am to 10 pm
—The studio is open during these hours. Before and after, we have a
neighborhood agreement of no noise.
— Please let us know your start time so we can have the front gates open and
everything ready for you.
— Most sessions last approximately 9 hours (8 hours recording and a 1 hour
— You are welcome to hang out in the courtyard after your session is over, but
please be aware our neighborhood policy is to have no noise after 10 pm, so
please be rolling out by 10 pm.
We are a day rate studio. Studio day rate is based on an 8 hour day. (9 hours
with a 1 hour break)
Most engineers lose their ear vitality after 8 hours; this time limitation is for their
If you go over the 8 hours, that is between you and your engineer.
Overtime hours for the studio are $50/hour.
Day Rate Studio A:
(8 hours) Mixing & Mastering: $450 unless otherwise quoted
Tracking - $750 (2nd engineer included)
Extra hours over 8 hours: $50/hour
Day Rate Studio B:
Video Shoots: $1000
Non Video Shoots (eg live streaming or sound recording) $500
Ancient Wave Studios . P.O. Box 2502 . Nevada City, CA 95959 . 530-265-1933 .
*from time to time, depending on the project, we may allow a half day or by the
hour; please contact us ahead of time to discuss.
Included in the studio rental fee are the tracking and broadcast rooms, Isolation
booth, kitchen, and courtyard space.
Studio A: Control room includes console, computer, outboard gear, and
microphones. All instrument and amp rentals are separate.
Studio B: Control room includes analog console, microphones, and lighting.
Please see our equipment list for options and prices.
Producers and engineers are NOT included in studio fees. We are not engineers
but do focus ourselves on creating an awesome facility. The engineers are
independent contractors and are paid directly by the client.
For broadcast room (Studio B): sound engineers and camera people are not
included and are paid separately by the client.
Extras/Other costs:
Piano: We tune the Steinway piano regularly (every 4-6 weeks), but if you would
like it tuned especially for your session, you are welcome to cover that cost of
So that we may schedule it in advance, please let us know when booking your
session if you will be using the piano and/or if you would like a special tuning.
Ancient Wave Studios . P.O. Box 2502 . Nevada City, CA 95959 . 530-265-1933 .
Drums: The DW studio drum kit may be rented for a fee of an additional
$50/day. It is a quality kit and on loan to us, hence the fee. In addition, we ask
for a $150 deposit which will be returned to you after your session.
Other instrument rentals:
We have an extensive list of modern and vintage guitars, basses, percussion,
keyboards, pedals, amps, and other fun stuff available for an extra fee. Let us
know if you would like us to send a rate sheet.
Dependent on availability, and due to the high cost of calibrating and
maintaining our machines, these have to be considered an extra.
Studer 807A I/4” 2 track Mastering Deck,
Studer A-80 1/4” 2 track Mastering Deck.
Tascam Teac 8516 1” 16 track Recording Deck (Amy Winehouse)
MCI JH24 2” 24 track Recording Deck (Mussel Shoals)
Per day $125 (Tape rental included)
Buy your own tape (Price depends on size and availability — talk to us about
this option)
Backup Hard drive:
Please bring a backup hard drive to copy your sessions onto. This provides
security in case of crashes. Please note, we regularly wipe our hard drives every
2 weeks.
Ancient Wave Studios . P.O. Box 2502 . Nevada City, CA 95959 . 530-265-1933 .
In general, we discourage non-working studio guests unless they are dropping
things off, bringing food by, etc. We are a working studio area with multiple
working areas. We’ve found that guests hanging out all day tend to create more
of a party atmosphere and less of a working vibe, and it’s really best for the
clients to focus on the creation of music, as well as the other studio residents. In
addition, we like to be considerate of our neighbors and keep the number of
vehicles driving by to a minimum. Thanks for understanding.
We wish you a fabulous session — helping to bring your unique expression into
the world is what we created this space for! More music, more love!
Saul and Elena Rayo
Ancient Wave Studios
Ancient Wave Studios . P.O. Box 2502 . Nevada City, CA 95959 . 530-265-1933 .
Welcome to Ancient Wave Studios!
Here are some important House Rules to ensure that your session will go
smoothly and that we are all on the same page.
We have been working very hard over the last decade to create an environment
that is sustainable and thriving for the health and well-being of all. By coming
here you are not only having a creative musical and recording experience, you
are also opening up to an entire lifestyle that is slower-paced, respectful,
communal, and filled with beauty. We ask that while you are here, you become
a part of our community and help us to keep it going so we can continue the
Be aware that the studio is next to and part of our personal space, therefore we
ask that you treat everything and everyone with the highest respect, as you will
get the same in return.
Very simple. Everybody wins! So PLEASE CHECK YOUR EGO AT THE GATE.
Ancient Wave Studios . P.O. Box 2502 . Nevada City, CA 95959 . 530-265-1933 .
1. Please drive SLOWLY coming down the driveway. 5 MPH. This will feel like
crawling for most of you, but it only takes an additional 20 seconds. This helps
to keep the dust down, keeps our neighbors happy and brings you into a slower
pace as you enter the grounds. Dust is very destructive to our recording gear,
which we lovingly maintain to give our clients the highest quality of sound for
your projects. Just take some deep breaths and enjoy slowing down, for your
own benefit as well as ours. Everybody wins!
2. Parking: please don’t block anyone in. If there is not enough parking in the lot,
it is fine to park on the street once you’ve unloaded. For larger projects, we
encourage parking and carpooling. This is available at the big county parking lot
at the bottom of Cement Hill Rd.
3. When arriving or leaving at night, please use low headlights so as not to shine
into the neighbor’s windows.
Before you arrive, the kitchen and studios are professionally cleaned.
Ancient Wave Studios . P.O. Box 2502 . Nevada City, CA 95959 . 530-265-1933 .
In general we ask that you keep the spaces clean and tidy. It’s best for
everyone. The kitchen space is communal, this means that others not part of
your session may use it. (However, not while you are actively recording!)
1.We provide a professional cookstove, oven, fridge and a freezer. For health
reasons, we don’t have a microwave (sorry).
2. There is a coffee and tea station with a high quality coffee maker, electric
kettle and milk frother. Organic coffee beans are provided.
3. We provide cookware, eating dishes and utensils.
4. Please keep the kitchen tidy and wash dishes daily before you leave. Dish
towels are provided. When they get dirty, you can leave them by the
washer/dryer in the bathroom off of the kitchen.
We ask that everyone become aware and take care of their own waste. We are
only allowed 2 small cans here on the property which have to be for all the
residents here. Think of it like going to the river or camping, and please be
aware of what you bring in that is going to become trash.
2. Trash: There is a bin for trash. When the trash is full, please haul away off
the property. Extra trash bags are under the kitchen sink.
3. Recycling. Next to the trash bin. Please be sure to also haul away your own
Ancient Wave Studios . P.O. Box 2502 . Nevada City, CA 95959 . 530-265-1933 .
4. Compost: We also have a bin for compost. The compost can be emptied
behind the chicken house next to the solar panels.
1. No food in studios! Please eat only in the kitchen or on the outdoor patio.
RECORDING STUDIOS. Small tables are provided to hold drinks . PLEASE
4 Though we have extensive solar panels, electricity is still expensive because
we are grid tied to PG&E, and they afford us no breaks. So, please keep doors
closed while AC or heaters are running and please turn off the lights when not in
Ancient Wave Studios . P.O. Box 2502 . Nevada City, CA 95959 . 530-265-1933 .
Let’s get real. Most people take eliminating bodily waste for granted: you flush
the toilet and the contents magically go away to some unknown place. Please
be aware that we have an Eco system that needs to be respected.
1. There is an electric incinerating toilet in the bathroom off of the kitchen. This
is to be used only for number two — liquids don’t do well for this technology. It
saves our precious water by incinerating solid waste.
2. Peeing is best done outside behind studio B (for guys)
3. For the ladies, there is a flush toilet next to the pool area. This toilet is
connected to our precious well, please be respectful with its use. Be aware that
this space may at times be occupied by another rental party staying in the pool
house, so please be sensitive with going in and out of that area and keep the
bathroom tidy.
There are several different options depending on which studio you are renting.
The internet is fiber optic and quite fast, 50 mps up and down.
The password is the same for all of the networks: Rayotopia (with a capital R)
Studio A: use: Foolish Records 5.0
Studio B: use: Ancient Wave Studios 5.0
Ancient Wave Studios . P.O. Box 2502 . Nevada City, CA 95959 . 530-265-1933 .
Included in the studio rental fee are the kitchen, rooms, isolation booth. The
control room includes console, computer, outboard gear, and microphones.
Instrument and amp rentals are separate.
Please see our equipment list for options and prices.
Rental fee: $450/day.
We make the rounds each night with our two guard dogs in training.
We close the gates and walk the perimeter of the property with our dogs.
After all clients leave, our beautiful dogs are free to roam and patrol on their
We lock all buildings every night regardless of this ritual, and we are confident in
the security of our studios.
Since this seems to be a hot topic and a point of polarization, we feel it is
imperative to address it so that we’re all on the same page.
We strongly feel this is your private business. So please be respectful of
others’ privacy. To this, we humbly ask that, on your honor, you wait two weeks
Ancient Wave Studios . P.O. Box 2502 . Nevada City, CA 95959 . 530-265-1933 .
before coming into the studio after receiving the shot. You are welcome to wear
a mask or not, whatever is comfortable for you.
Ancient Wave Studios . P.O. Box 2502 . Nevada City, CA 95959 . 530-265-1933 .